Dog Walking Is Now Illegal In Cambodia

On Sunday, April 05, 2015, some of my friends decided to organize a "Say No To Dog Meat" event, which has been conducted in so many countries before. I was extremely excited to join. As a matter of fact, I have been waiting for months just to go to this event.

Cambodia is a country in which a lot of people enjoy eating dog meat. I have actually seen many gruesome photos and heard dogs being dragged along the street. I am a very passionate dog lover, so this was an extraordinary moment for me. It also happened to be my first activist moment. 

My boyfriend and I took our puppy, Joey, to the park to join with other dog-lovers. We just adopted him two months ago, so it would be a great moment for him to socialize. He was very excited.

We were excited to go, not knowing what awaited us
We knew something wasn't right

Once we got to the park, we knew that something was wrong. We saw a group of people gathering around, but we also saw many police officers surrounding those people. You see, my country has a history of banning people for protesting about anything. Literally anything. There was even a point where there was a law banning over 10 people from getting together. 
Confusion filled the air
Some people felt threatened, so they started leaving

Anyway, we approached the crowd, and just as we expected, the group of police officers were trying to break up our group. We were so confused about what was going on. Many expats were participating as well, and they were dumbfounded by how the police officers were yelling at us. They couldn't understand what the officers were talking about. Me, on the other hand, I could understand exactly what they were talking about. 

Police officers telling us to get off the public park

The officers' first reason was that we would "pollute the park with all the dog poop." When we showed them our doggie bags, they came up with another reason.

The second method was to literally yell at us to "get off the park." One of my friends and the organizers got there earlier and they told me that the one of the officers even told them, in a quote, "There's no such law to allow people to walk dogs in the park." He proceeded to look at my friend's dog and said, "I could kill that dog with just one kick." Some of the officers kept on yelling at us to get off the park. And by that, I meant they literally were yelling at us. It was a chaotic scene. Even the dogs could sense all the stress fogging up the atmosphere. 
Innocent bystander was told that she wasn't allowed to walk her dog

I had to cross the road for fear that they would take my camera

This officer told us to go walk the dogs in the middle of the busy street
We were so shocked and confused that some of us gave up and went our separate ways. Of course, some of us had to walk on the park to get to the other side. Guess what? We weren't allowed to do that. I was actually told by this officer in the white helmet (photo below) that "dog walking has never been allowed in park." He said to me, and I would never forget this sentence, "You can't walk your dog on the sidewalks. If you want to walk, just go walk in the middle of the street." The street was busy, so I'm assuming that they were telling us to go die.

Be warned, you might not want to walk your dogs here

To be honest, I was furious. I never even thought this would ever happen in my life. I have seen many protests being stopped by the police and even protestors being beaten. Of course, some of those protests were politics-related, but this is just a campaign to raise awareness and stop people from eating dog and cat meat. 

I thought this was a democratic country? Since when can't we do anything? Are those officers so threatened by dogs that they had to even stop us? Those officers were armed, for Chris' sake. Can someone please tell me what is going on in Cambodia? Do we really have to accept this and bite our tongues? Or is it time for us to go "hunger games" on them and rebel?


  1. Fuck the police! Puok ah thoak teab!

  2. As i know, one u make a campaign u must ask the permission from the authority since it's the public park! If they allow you, then this problem never happens!

    1. We did ask the permission and they told us it would be okay.

  3. No Freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, no democracy.
    These police eat dogs so they banned the protest. extremely bad.

  4. The organizer should have informed the authority first I think. I am not taking side, but just to be fair. If someone goes into your house without any permission how would you feel? Though park is not a house but it is a public place and the authorities need to ensure that everything is going right. Everyone can do anything he/she wants under law and with the respect of others' rights. The reason given to dismiss the group might sound funny.

    1. Yes, they actually did. They waited one month for the letters back from the city hall. They knew we were going to be there.

    2. Have you read the article really?
      He said to me, and I would never forget this sentence, "You can't walk your dog on the sidewalks. If you want to walk, just go walk in the middle of the street." The street was busy, so I'm assuming that they were telling us to go die.
      I think this should be enough to know about their intention.

  5. Great post and well written. State oppression in Cambodia is reaching increasingly ridiculous levels. Good for you for trying to change things!

  6. Dog walking in the area of those parks has been banned for years. It is only sporadically enforced, but the ban has been in place for a long time.
    Training the police in crowd management and public relations is a different matter.

  7. Oh God, a predictable troll is out to play...and what a surprise it's the usual dull, wannabe incendiary (it's not) tripe. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.

  8. I can not surprised anymore. It seems like it´s always people making it hard for people that are trying to do good things. I just the police had better things to do :(

  9. Dude, your name is so stupid you don't even need to make a comment. It's a freedom of expression, so who the fuck are you to tell anyone to get the fuck out, huh, you scumbag of pieces of shit? Were you raised without a mother to advise you that profanities are not tolerated? Oh, yes, I remember s-th my mom told me; she said whores or sluts don't teach their children since they're too busy fucking cheesy cocks. Are you one from a slut's vagina? Fucking scoundrel.

  10. Defenseless plants? Being defenseless and being a coward are two different things. Has your father even chained you to the ground, warning you not to blab shits after sawing him fucking another slut in your mom's bed after your mom died from HIVs? Well, that must be the reason that damaged your brain's part and made you become such a coward, not daring to express your own opinion. Wait! Like how you couldn't show your feeling to anyone after seeing your dad fucking another slut, huh? :P I've got a new name for you, Dave! ;) More like a phrasal name: "Piece Of Shit".
    Weird. Capitalized preposition. LOL

  11. Seeing*

    But that would still be fine cuz you wouldn't know since your slutty mother didn't teach you anything before she died of STDs disease.

  12. Stupid law, come on cambodia, Kingdom of stupidness!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. "I thought this was a democratic country?" Since when Cambodia would have been a democratic country ? It was humour I guess.

  14. It is not democratic country. I can say it is bureaucratic country. Every power is control by government. Sadly that they banned dog walking on the street. But maybe you can try other place like in front of royal palace.

  15. It's really good to see about that great article about dog walking,.

  16. Your post is really good. Useful content My Dog Spot

  17. I would like to become a dog walker, what do I need?
    poop bag


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