Government Strikes Again: Short Shorts Are A No-No

I have a funny story to share just to get you all hyped up for the weekend. I was going to one of the ministries earlier today to do an interview for an article. If you don't know me in person, you should probably know that I normally go around in denim shorts or above knee-length skirt/dress. Basically, I don't like wearing long bottoms because this is Cambodia we're talking about. The weather can get as high as 30 degrees. It's summer all year round.

Anyway, I got to the ministry, and I was stopped by the security guard out front. He pointed to my bottom and he said I wasn't allowed to go in because my shorts were too "short". At first, I didn't quite understand because this is 2015, right? But then he repeated what he was saying, and let me tell you, I was so exasperated and shell-shocked. I actually muttered, "What the *bleep*?" I mean, come on. How ridiculous is this? Last time I checked, this is not the 20's. I know the constitution is just a piece of paper that nobody gives a crap about in this country, but why preach about equal rights when women are so closely scrutinized by what they wear?
About how short my shorts were. Credit:
On another note, why can't women wear short bottom to the ministry? Because for the life of me, I can't think of a good reason why that should be the rule. Yes, I'm a reporter, but I also happen to be a human being who deserves the rights to dress comfortably without being restricted.

If you're reading this and you're one of the anti-short-shorts people, can you drop a comment down below and let me know why it is that women aren't allowed to wear short bottoms? What's the deal here? It's not even a sacred, religious site. It's the freaking ministry for God's sake. If there's anything, they should be focusing on their own work instead of what we put on our body. Trust me when I say this, I and some people that I've worked with have had painful experience when it comes to getting the government officials to cooperate. Most of the time, they don't even answer their phones. I think it's because they're too busy staring at women's legs and asses to answer their phones.

Let me tell you something. If we wear short shorts or mini skirt and a man gets turned on by that, how is it ever our fault? Shouldn't the man be able to control himself? I have said this so many times, and I will continue saying it until the day I die. Maybe it will even be on my tombstone. But if that argument holds, then can I go around punching people in the face and blame it on them because their face was "pissing me off"? Or can I say, "Man, that murder victim was so asking for it." Boys will be boys, right?

I would say, "sorry for being too blunt", but I'm not sorry. I am not sorry for wanting to be free and being who I want to be. I'm a woman and I am not ashamed to be proud and confident of my body. I sure as hell am not going to hide it just because some douche can't control his penis. For your information, every time I get dressed, I think about what outfit would make me most comfortable and confident. I don't and won't be worrying about which outfit I should wear to not piss off some misogynists.

This is not the first time I get in trouble for wearing "inappropriate" clothing, and I can assure you that it won't be the last. I am not going to conform to the ridiculous gender roles that social has in mind. I am not going to be put in place. No, thank you.

Love (or not so much love as in irritation this time), Catherine


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