To Shave or Not To Shave

Shaving has been a topic of debate and discussion between me and my friends for a while now. In this case, we're talking about shaving pubic hair. Some of my friends were really eager to know if shaving is better or not. After finally deciding to sit down and write about this dilemma, I must say, I have learned things that I didn't know before about pubic hair grooming. This article is for men and women, so my male readers, you're not being left out here.

I always like to look at history of things to know exactly why we do what we do. For women, it wasn't until the invention of the modern bikini that we started shaving. Way before then, some women (especially prostitutes) wore merkin, also known as pubic hair wig, in order to cover up their genitalia after shaving, sometimes to eliminate pubic hair lice or was used to cover up STDs such as syphilis. 

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On July 11, 1946, Micheline Bernardini, a nude dancer, was probably the first to wear a modern bikini during a showing for the press at the fashionable Piscine Molitor in Paris. As you can see, the bikini was so small that it could fit in the matchbox that she was holding. And if you look at her bikini bottom, you'll realize that if one doesn't shave while wearing that bikini bottom, then that person would definitely be showing their pubic hair. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

As society evolves, the pubic hair grooming trend latched on to men as well. This doesn't only apply to pubic hair; there are men who wax/shave their chest, armpits and back. There are some pros and cons to consider about this.


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  • For most people, shaving the hair down there makes them feel cleaner and fresher. 
  • It's easier for women to maintain their hygiene and less messier during their menstrual cycle.
  • You won't have hair sticking out of your bikini bottom, or your speedo; though that would require the man in question to have really long pubic hair.
  • Oral sex is less hairy. You won't get hair stuck in your mouth.
  • When the weather is hot, your crotch won't be as sweaty.
  • You'll feel more sensation around the genital during sexual intercourse.
  • Comfortable and new underwear feels great.
  • For my fellas, it's easier to clean up after ejaculation. 
  • Rumor has it that shaving pubic hair makes your penis look larger. I am not absolutely certain on this one, but I have read this from a lot of source.
  • Couples can shave each other and turn it into a foreplay.
  • Lower chance of getting pubic lice or crabs.
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  • We have pubic hair for a reason. It helps protect the area from friction, and it keeps dust, bacteria and particles out, much like our eyelashes. According to, Hugh Byrne, a consultant gynecologist said in his experience, this is true. He explained that pubic hair is there to “absorb moisture and drain it away from areas that aren’t exposed”. If there’s no hair, the skin is more vulnerable to infections such as herpes and genital warts.
  •  Ingrown hair causes bikini bumps that can be irritating, itchy, and sometimes painful.
  • According to a study in 2012 by the US National Library of Health, hair removal affects the skin membrane; thus, making it easier for bacteria to enter and for you to contract STDs.
  • Incorrect shaving can lead to cuts, infections, irritation, or a trip to the emergency room. 
  • A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that 60% of women had at least one health complication caused by pubic hair removal.

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You shouldn't based your decision as to whether or not to shave based on your partner's preference or trends. When it comes down to it, it's your own body. You should do what makes you feel comfortable. If you like the feeling of bareness in your lower area, then go for it. If you like sporting the au naturel look, then good for you! 

People also have different ideas of what turns them on, so don't think that having or not having pubic hair is more attractive than the other. Some people like the tickling sensation of pubic hair rubbing against them. Some people associate the idea of hairless as prepubescence, so it turns them off. Some people don't like hair in their mouth during oral sex. And some people just don't care.

You should also consider compromise if you want to spice up your love life while still being comfortable. Maybe you can trim. Or maybe you don't have to shave it all the way. After all, sex is like a dance; you give and take to keep up the grace, rhythm, and for both parties to enjoy their time.

In the next post, I'll share some tips on how to shave without getting those pesky bumps and itch.

Love, Catherine


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