I promised myself time and time again that I wouldn't get involved with the political situation in my country. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an expert in the political field, so I don't know what the do's and don'ts are. All of that is going to change today, though. Right now, in this very moment, Cambodia is having a crisis. There have been "peaceful" demonstrations going on for weeks now, but today, it's turning into a blood-shed. I am enraged, and utterly in shock for what I am witnessing right now, which is why I've decided to write this post.

This post might just be a rant, because I can't hold it in any longer. I am not going to report about the event, nor am I going to pass judgement on anyone. I am simply writing this post as a human being living in this country, on this planet, who's just begging for humans to open up their eyes and see the destruction that we're doing.

I do understand that such tragedies and wars are happening every single day in parts of the world, but that doesn't justify anything at all. I am simply baffled as to why people still haven't grasped the idea yet: we are all humans, we share the same planet, and we share the same DNA. Somehow along the way, we seem to have forgotten this fact. Haven't we learned from history? Haven't we learned anything at all? Since when has violence ever done any good? Was there a winner during the two world wars or were we all losers at the end? Haven't we learned that when you fight fire with fire, all you get is a bigger fire?

Cambodian people have died in their quest for justice this morning (and also a pay raise from their salary of $90 a month). At the same time, I'm sure many people around the world have also died while doing the same. Just because it happens in my home country doesn't mean it's more of a tragedy, but it does hit home. I'm not going to beg anyone to stop. All I want is for everyone to stop for a moment and think about this: what are we doing this for? Is it worth it? Don't other people get hurt just like we do? Don't we all shed the same blood? 

To be honest with you, I am disgusted with what we're doing as human beings. Not only are we destroying the only home we have, but we're killing all our fellow earthlings and our fellow human beings along with it. And for what, I may ask? For power? For money? For greed? When is it all going to end? Are we really the most intelligent creatures on Earth, or are we simply a plague that is destroying Earth? I am sorry to say this, but we're all so stupid, we might as well be pressing the "self-destruct" button right now. Yes, "we", because I do include myself in the equation.

I've included some links down below, in case you want to know what happened in Cambodia this morning. If you're in Cambodia, specifically Phnom Penh right now, please stay safe, and take care. Can't we just be lovers instead of fighters?




  1. Hi thre cat.

    im a follower of ur blog for quite some time and I find its quite interesting to go n have a visit on phnom penh and maybe siam reap.

    but can I know how is the current situation in cambodia? Is it safe to travel? Hope cn hear from u again. I b more than happy to hear from u and maybe u can show me the beauty of cambodia

    im kevin frm malaysia n u cn email me at here if u dont mind


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