Once Upon A Christmas

'Tis the season to be jolly! Christmas time is here once again. Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year ever since I was a little girl. There's just so much to look forward to: Christmas songs, the choir, the festive feeling in the air, the gifts under the tree, and getting the chance to spend time with your friends and family. Growing up in Cambodia, Christmas isn't part of our tradition, but there's just something about Christmas that gets me every single time. This year, though, my Christmas has been so magical that it might just be my best Christmas yet.

Image via globalimages.net
I remember going to school on Christmas as a little girl and exchanging gifts with my classmates. I was never really explained the true meaning of what Christmas is as a child as we didn't really celebrate it. I was definitely caught up in the hype after a while, though, and I would always spend my Christmas watching Christmas movies and snuggling up to my dog. Christmas started becoming my favorite time of the year when I realized that it was more than the day that Christ was born; it's the time of year when you spread the love and cheer to everyone around you. It's the time of year when you're with your friends and family. It's the season of giving. I never had that. I started loving Christmas because it became what I longed for, and just seeing it was enough to bring tears and joy to me, along with a secret wish to maybe have a loving Christmas one day, too.
Me messing up the kitchen, trying to cook Christmas feast

Little did the 13-year-old me know that my 19th Christmas is more than I could've ever hoped for. It's not spontaneous nor is it grand, but it is special in its intimate way. I spent Christmas Eve making vegan dinner for my family. Afterwards, we got to sit on the couch, rubbing our full bellies while watching cheesy Christmas movies that I can't seem to get enough of. After all, I only get to watch them at this time of year. Meanwhile, all the gifts are sitting snugly under the tree, waiting to be opened the next day.

A close-up look on a simple vegan dinner: salsa, chips, lasagna, portobello mushroom steak, and mashed potato. Yum!
Our little Christmas Eve dinner is done, awaiting us to dig in
On Christmas Day, the gifts are still sitting comfortably under the tree
On Christmas Day, the first thing I did, of course, was opening the presents. I got my mom to open her present first. It's my first official present for her. She's been longing for that for ages, so I thought it would be the perfect gift for her. The gorgeous grin on her face when she opened her gift was enough to make my day. I then spent the rest of my day watching more Christmas movies, and coyly wiping away a tear or two when Pluto came back home to Mickey Mouse. Yes, I am nineteen years old, and I still watch Disney cartoons. Christmas does that to people.

My mom: "What did you get me?"
Beautiful pearl necklace. Love you, mom.
I've heard criticisms, however, about how we Cambodian people shouldn't be influenced by such a foreign tradition. I can't help but wonder, what can be so harmful about celebrating such a beautiful occasion? In this time of age, we all don't share enough love to one another. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Christmas is about love and forgiveness. It's not about receiving gifts, but it's about giving them to those you love, especially those less fortunate. For me, it's a reminder to slow down my busy nine-to-five job and spend time with my friends and family. It's the time to dig deep into your soul and discover your Christmas spirit.

With that being said, I hope you're enjoying your Christmas. It only comes once a year, so you'd better make the most of it. Help out those who are in need, and don't forget to spread the love. I know it sounds cheesy as hell, but when you look around us right now, with all the wars and riots going on, love and understanding really is all we need. Take care, my beautiful reindeer!

Love, Catherine


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