Female Masturbation

Sex has been considered as a taboo for so many years, but let's just face it: we're all curious about sex. Earlier in life, a lot of people started exploring their own body and sexuality by masturbating. Most people have masturbated at some point in their lives, including women. A recent study done by the University of Chicago sociologists on 3,116 Americans aged 18 to 60 (1,769 women and 1,347 men) concluded that only 38 percent of women said they'd masturbated at all during the past year. The figure for men was 61 percent. Why is the number lower for women? Again, we're back to the whole taboo about how it's wrong for women to masturbate. Well, if you know me, you'll know that I love breaking taboos. For now, let's turn the lights down low, light up some candle, put on some slow music, and get down to business. Ladies (and men, too), today, we're going to talk about masturbation 101.

Image via iahealth.net
Female Anatomy

Before we talk about the actual act, let's get to know the female genital first. Unlike men, the female genitals are complicated. I already wrote a post about female orgasm, but let's refresh the diagram. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the female genital. There are many parts involved here, but when we're talking about masturbation and orgasms, the clitoris plays the most important role here.

The clitoris is a tiny round pink bud that is located above the vaginal opening. It's covered by a soft fold of tissue called the "clitoral hood". When sexually aroused, the clitoris fills with blood and enlarges. The hood may retract back to reveal the tip. The clitoris actually contains 8,000 nerve endings, whereas the penis only contains 4,000. As a matter of fact, the clitoris is the only part of the human body whose sole function is pleasure. Seriously. If you need any proof that God is a woman, well, this is it.

The Actual Deed

There are many ways that us women can go solo. As long as you're creative, the list is endless. But I would like to to talk about two of the most basic methods.

Clitoral Stimulation

This is the first and foremost part of masturbation. Most women would start with rubbing their clit to get sexually aroused. Tension is also very important. Each person's preference varies. This is true for sexual intercourse as well. If you're a guy, and you're trying to stimulate your partner's clit, never try to rub it as hard as you can. It's not a lamp -- a genie won't come out of it no matter how hard you rub it.

For a lot of women, we have discovered our clitoris pretty early on in life; namely, when we were kids and we accidentally rubbed against a pillow or something and discovered that it felt good. Back when I was in school, none of the sex ed or biology class taught me that I have a clitoris. Can you imagine living your whole life not knowing that there's a part of your body dedicated solely to give your pleasure? In this case, ignorance is definitely not bliss.

Another way to stimulate your clitoris is by using a shower-head. I've heard this so many times before -- some women even swear by it. It's simple: just lay there on your bath tub, hold it against your cli, and adjust the water setting/temperature. Bare in mind, though, that one technique might work wonders for one person, whereas for another person, it doesn't work at all.


Image via healthdepots.blogspot.com
A good rule of thumb would be to try to stimulate your clit, then proceed with finger while maintaining the clitoris stimulation. We all have two hands after all, might as well make use of both. Another good thing to keep in mind is to go slow and experiment. Everybody is different and unique in their own way. Find out what feels good to you. You can try by inserting one finger and see how that goes.

If you're looking for something a little bit more exciting, you can always inserting objects. Some good objects that can be used are sex toys, household objects, or food such as cucumbers or carrots. Bananas can be horrible, because they can break off. Cucumbers and carrots are more sturdy. But before you go grab some cucumbers from the fridge, always remember to clean it. I mean, you are putting foreign objects into your body, always make sure that they're clean. You don't want to end up with a yeast infection or a trip to the gynecologist because it starts to get itchy down there. 

Health Benefits

Yes, masturbation has its health benefits. First off, masturbating is a way for us to explore our own body, our own sexuality. Again, everybody's different, so we need to figure out what we like and what we don't like. In addition to that, it's the safest way for people to gain pleasure without having to worry about pregnancy or STDs. Plus, we don't need someone else to be in the mood to do it. We do it all on our own.

According to womentowomen.com, some other health benefits include:

  • Prevents cervical infections and helps relieve urinary tract infections
  • Improves cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes
  • Works against insomnia naturally, through hormonal and tension release (Anyone who has ever had an orgasm before heading to bed knows exactly how climaxing is the best sleeping pill there is)
  • Orgasm increases pelvic floor strength 
Image via toptenz.net
Masturbation also has psychological health benefits such as improving our mood (who wouldn't feel better after having an orgasm), strengthening our relationship with ourselves (you are getting intimate with yourself after all), relieves stress, and improving self esteem, leading to improved sex life in general. When you explore your own body, you learn to embrace it more. You learn to marvel at all the wonders on your own body. You also learn about how your body works and what turns you on, so that the next time you're with your partner, you can teach him to do all the right things. 
It's time we break the taboo and let women embrace their sexuality, too. We have feelings, we have needs, and we have sex drive just as men do. The more comfortable a woman is with her body, the higher the chance of her valuing and respecting herself. Let's face it: when a woman knows that she can have just as much fun by herself as with a man, chances are she wouldn't feel as though she can't live without a man anymore. That's all from me right now. Take care, my beautiful ones. And ladies, whatever it is that you're doing tonight, have fun! *wink wink*

Love, Catherine



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