Size Me Up

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I promised you another hot post, and I have delivered. Today, we are going to talk to sizes; specifically, penis size and whether or not it matters. Initially, I wanted to write about the adult movies industry, but somehow, I went into researching about penis size instead. I figured I'll just write about that later, but for now, I'm going to give you all the deeds about the girth, the length, and how any of that has anything at all to do with pleasing a woman.

We are all humans, so naturally, we sometimes feel insecure about our body. We fear that we might not be good enough -- that we might not measure up. This fear escalates even more when you're sexually attracted to someone. You're worried as to whether or not they find you attractive, too; whether they like you, too; and whether they think you're equipped enough to send them over the moon. As a matter of fact, only 55% of men are satisfied with their size, compared to 85% of women who are satisfied with their partner's size.

I believe the question "Does size matter?" has been asked so many times. Regardless of that, I have never answered it before. Up to now, I'd never even thought about it. My friends and I, we like joking around, saying "the bigger, the better", but when you're seriously thinking about it, does size really matter? Does bigger penis really equal to being a better lover? What about girth versus length? Which one is more vital in producing a more intense orgasm?

To find answers to the questions, we have to look back at evolution. Yes, we're blaming everything on evolution. In fact, human males have the biggest penis among all the primates in radio to our body size. That's great news to all the guys out there. But what does that have anything to do with evolution? And does size really matter to women? Or even to other men? Brian Mautz, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Ottawa in Canada, along with Australian colleagues have conducted an experiment. According to

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Mautz and Australian colleagues generated computer images of a male figure and toggled three traits: flaccid penis length, height, and shoulder-to-hip ratio (creating torsos on the spectrum from V-shaped to heavily love-handled). The researchers recruited 105 Australian women and had each rate the attractiveness of 53 figures, a subset of the 343 generated by creating seven different penis lengths, seven heights and seven shoulder-to-hip ratios.  

The result was considered "quite surprising" to Mautz, because as it turned out, the figures with larger penises were rated considerably more attractive. That might just be the connection between evolution and how human males' penises are the largest among primates. Back when humans didn't have any clothing yet, human males with larger penis must've been preferred by females; thus, leading to human males evolving to having larger penis. In fact, the average penis size is 5.5 inches, with the average girth of 4 to 5 inches. With that being said, there's actually a medical condition called "micro-penis", where an adult erect penis is only 2 inches long. It affects about 0.6% of men. Here's another fun fact: Jonah Falcon is known as having the world's largest penis. Rolling Stone reports Falcon's penis as 9.5 inches (24 cm) in length when flaccid and 13.5 inches (34 cm) in length when erect. Ouch!

Now that you've picked your jaw off the floor, let's get back to our question: does size really matter? To 77% of women, as long as you have a penis, and she can feel it going in, then it doesn't really matter at all. The average vagina is only 3 to 4 inches deep. Of course, it has the ability to elongate during intercourse to accommodate a penis, but our vaginas don't need your penis to be miles long to pleasure us. If the penis is too long, it can actually hit the cervix, which is not fun at all. Besides, less than 35% of women orgasm during vaginal intercourse. Personally, I think vaginal orgasm is less common and harder to achieve than clitoral orgasm. Regardless of that, having a bigger penis is slightly more exciting somehow during intercourse.

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However, having a bigger penis does not equal to being a great lover. Studies showed that men who are bigger tend to rely more on their size. I know this doesn't apply to all men, but some men don't strive on doing extra things to please a woman because he thinks his size alone is enough to satisfy her. Let me tell you, fellas: this is NOT true at all. I'm sorry to be so blunt here, getting a sex toy or a dildo is better than being with a guy who does nothing to stimulate us, regardless of his size. Studies also showed that men who are slightly smaller tend to be good at oral and fingering. That makes sense, because in a way, he's trying to make up for it. And hey, as long as it feels good, I won't object.

Another point to add is that girth might actually be more important than length. I mean, think about it: all the nerves are around the clitoris and the G-spot. And those magical places are not that deep inside, so being filled up from side to side is very satisfying. I've been on the internet, researching this topic for days, and most girls have answered that they would prefer girth over length. I think I'm one of those girls as well.

Another thing to consider is angle and position. Since everyone is different, I would suggest that you experiment and talk to your partner to find out what feels good and what doesn't. Some tips is that if you're doing missionary, make sure that you press up towards her G-spot. That's hitting the jackpot right there. If you're doing doggie, then go for the "Up And Over" position, as in you crawling up behind her and hitting her G-spot from behind.

Alright, I hope that wasn't too graphic or too detailed, but I really think it's important to understand and embrace your sexuality. Some final words about size: when it comes to intimacy, the connection between two people is more important. It's all about how comfortable you are with your partner, and how well you understand each other. Hence, guys, don't be insecure about your body. We're all different; we all like different things. Plus, there's a lot more to life than measuring up to people. With that being said, I hope I've help at least a little bit in this post. Ladies, leave a comment down below to let us know what your take on size is. Fellas, too. I'll be back next week! Ciao!

Love, Catherine


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