Rumor Has It

Back when I was in high school and junior high, kids were pretty mean. They formed groups and teased other kids who were different from them. I thought: "Well, they are kids. When they grow up, they're going to realize that there's so much more to life than this." I'm in the world of adults now, and I have to say, I'm very disappointed. It seems to me like age is just really a number because a lot of adults are still stuck in their high-school mindset.

In high school, a lot of teens bully others just because they are different from them, or sometimes, just for the sake of bullying. Kids are being labeled as "sluts", "weirdos", "outcasts", or "freaks". Who knew that people who are in their 20's still do that? You would've thought that adults
who have even graduated from college would've known better, right? Not really. Because apparently, that's still happening to me.

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I've never ever denied the fact that I'm different and I'm weird. Some people think I'm faking this to get attention. And yes, I'm very open about everything, including my sexuality. Somehow, people just jump to their own conclusions that this means I'm a slut. I have a very firm grasp of who I am, and when I resist as people try to change me, I instantly become "stubborn" and "difficult to work with". Of course, I'm not the least bit bothered by what people say/think about me, because I know who I am and frankly, your opinion is not needed. However, I'm very flattered that people actually take the time out to talk about me like that. Life is very short and we only live once. Somehow, they choose to live their lives by talking about other people, including me. That must mean we're very important to them, correct?

With that being said, here's my two cents. Happy people who are completely content with their lives won't waste their time trying to point out other people's flaws and bring them down. If you think putting other people down will make you feel better about yourself, then maybe it's time you re-evaluate your life. Does it give you happiness when you gossip about others? When you label them just because they are different and strange? When you try to make them like everyone else? We're not twelve anymore -- please grow up.

Personally, I do not ever want to surround myself with negativity. I have very few friends with whom I'm very very close to. They know everything about me and they accept me completely for who I am. If I don't like the energy that you're projecting, I simply choose not to include you in my circle. As I've always said, life is too short and too precious. I am a lover, not a hater. I don't ever want people who find joy in gossiping and trying to pick apart other people's flaws to be close to me. I understand that this adds fuel to the flame as you start to assume that I don't interact with other people and I only stay in my space. Guess what? I do interact with other people, just not you. I don't know how to put on a fake smile and join in the conversation when all you're doing is bullying others, while knowing full well that you're going to be talking and spreading rumors about me behind my back. I choose not to live my life like that.

At the end of the day, it's your life. You have all the freedom in the world to say anything you want about me, because your opinions don't define who I am. Besides, all that you're doing is motivating me to go chase my dreams and prove myself, so thank you. I love you, too.

Love, Catherine


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