Wrapping Up 2012

Image via megangalloway.com
2012 has been a big year for most of us: we survived through the so-called "End of the World", the Mayans finally got to rip out their 5,125-year-old calender and put in a new one (Happy Late New Year to you Mayans out there), Barrack Obama was re-elected, me finally turning eighteen (Yay for me!), and the whole world was introduced to an annoyingly catchy song/dance moves known as "Gangnam Styles".

A few days before "apocalypse" was supposed to happen, there was a video going viral about how the song "Gangnam Styles" was going to be the catalyst for the apocalypse. I think Psy is a genius, so no disrespect to the guy, but every time I hear that song, I feel like it's the end...of my IQ.

But that's what the year's been like; full of everything. I'm a little sad, to be honest, that the year is coming to an end. I feel like 2012 was such a big year for me and I have this gut feeling that 2013 is going to be even bigger. I have to admit that I am a little scared of what to come, but I am ready for it.

In fact, even the Mayans believed that December 21st marked the beginning of a new era, the B'aktun era. So what are you waiting for? Think of some new year's resolutions, get together with your friends and family, kiss someone at midnight tonight, and live your life to the fullest! Learn from your mistakes, forgive whenever you can, open up your eyes to see all the beauty around us, and live everyday like it's your last because there's no redo in life. It's the start of something amazing, so let's just be happy and start off the new year with a big bang! Wherever in the world you are right now, have a wonderful new year from me here in Cambodia!

Love, Catherine


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