Happiness Is A Choice

Image via vanuax.com
I all get the blues sometimes. Maybe you failed your tests, maybe your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you, or maybe you are just sad. No matter what the reason is, it's never too late to turn that frown upside down and make the rest of your day and bright and cheerful day.

Here are ten personal tips of mine to create a rainbow in your cloudy day:

  1.  Cry and scream: I personally believe that the best way to get rid of something is to let it all out. And what better way to let out your rage, sorrow and sadness than to cry and scream it all out? You can even go punch a pillow. Don't ever let your emotions build up inside you, because trust me, one day, everything's going to explode like a volcano and you'll be left with even more cleaning up to do.
  2. Work out: Another way to let your emotions out is to hit the gym and work your sexy ass out! No only will you get rid of the sorrow, it'll also make you feel and look better. When you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin, you'll ultimately feel better. And no, don't let me hear you say that you're "too fat" or "too embarrassed" to go the gym. We're all beautifully imperfect in our own way and yes, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
  3. Wear your clothes and skin confidently: After working out and feeling better about yourself, go to your closet and pick out an outfit that fits you comfortably while showing off your beautiful body at the same time. This doesn't only apply to girls, but guys, looking good and comfortable in your own skin will make you feel better, too.
  4. Listen to music: Here's what I've learned so far about music. The moment I'm upset, I listen to dark, angry music to let out my pain and frustrations. Once you feel slightly better, change to happy, upbeat music. I know you might not feel it immediately, but after a while, the happy "today-is-a-beautiful-day" songs will also make you feel like you're in an episode of Glee, in a good way.
  5. Watch funny clips: We all know the different sides of YouTube. One of the best parts of YouTube, besides from all the wonderful undiscovered music, is the clips of adorable animals. They'll guarantee to put a smile on your face. And if you don't like adorable animals doing funny things (so THAT'S why you're upset), you can always check out tons of other funny clips.
  6. Do what makes you happy: I know it's hard, but you can always turn your feelings into something productive. If you love music, then write a song about it. If you love drawing, draw something about it. You can find inspirations everywhere, even in your darkest hour.
  7. Hang out with friends: Sometimes you just need a shoulder to lean on. Call up your friends and go to the movies or have a slumber party. And guys, call up your friends and go to a football game or hit the bar and grab a few drinks.
  8. Look for the bright side: Shakespeare once said: "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." I believe that that is absolutely true. There's a bright side to everything. Therefore, instead of focusing your energy on how bad the situation is, try and see the good in it. There's a lesson well learned in every situation.
  9. Things will get better: I know it might seem like utter rubbish to you right now, but yes, things will always get better. I've been there; we all have. I'm a firm believer in "things happen for a reason". Maybe you're hitting rock-bottom because life is teaching you a lesson. Believe in yourself that you're strong enough to get through this, because what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
  10. Image via drive2.ru
  11. Relax and let it be: Que sera sera: whatever happens happens. Sometimes things are just out of your control. Worrying and freaking out about it isn't going to help. Go soak in a warm bubble bath with your favorite book and relax.

Regardless, the things listed above won't work if you have clinical depression. Clinical depression is is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer. Never think that you're alone. I was there, too. A lot of us have been through that. Cutting or suicide doesn't help. It might make you feel better for now, but it'll destroy you in the long run. It's not your fault and you can't just snap out of it. Realizing that you're depressed is a huge step. The next step is to get help. There are so many ways to get help. We love you and you are worth it. Here's the link to a hotline list: http://www.eliteskills.com/teen_cutting/hotlines.php

I hope this has made you feel better at least a bit. Have an amazing day and be happy.

Love, Catherine


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